In the coming days we should be coming up with a few more job websites for those of you serious about getting your life back in order. We currently have Job Access Center which is a management to professional’s website. I am not imagining too many professionals reading this blog but, if there are some professionals reading this blogwe are glad we can help. Job Access Center also helps those individuals looking for upper management positions. If you have five or more years of experience in middle management this site may help you spring a better job. You may have to be willing to relocate for these positions.
The next site is is basically for anyone who is looking for a job. Jobs from a to z let’s say. I know some people would like to upgrade their job to a better one and there are many of us that need a job. This may be the easiest format you have. There will be sites entered in the coming week that will help you with résumés and there are sites that will be about self-employment which we are going to get to. But, first we want to concentrate on jobs and adding resources for jobs. The rest can come later.
My suggestion to you is to copy this web address in case we lose you, for you to come back to us, or bookmark this page which may be easier. As we said we will be adding more sites to the sidebar. So check out the two sights we have for jobs and let’s see if we can get something good going for you soon.
We will also soon be adding an e-mail sign up banner where you can sign up for an updates e-mail letter!
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Other Ways To Save
After going through some E-zine articles this week I found this little gem. I have not tested this yet but I figure I would let my readers give this a little test. This site is called Free Groceries Central. In this website you can go state by state in which grocery stores offer free groceries. What you do is take a survey and you are rewarded with up $250.00. What the small print says you have to accept two offers. Just make sure of one thing, if you do the survey check the terms and conditions and the cancellation policy before you accept any offers. I do know the thrifty know how to use surveys to save them a lot of money; one other hint is not to ever put in your cell phone number to receive a text. This will save you unwanted charges to your cell phone bill. If they want you to send them back a code do not enter it to precede, just close the page and move on. There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This it is free money and not taxable because it comes in the form of a gift card, you will not be asked for a Social Security Number or given a 1099 form to fill out. These are promotions and fall under the same category as coupons.
If you have any questions about using surveys please e-mail me @
Try Free Grocery Central Click Here!
Have A Great and Safe Memorial Day!
Please remember those who paid the highest price for our freedom!!!