Here is the key to your Financial Toolbox

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting It All Back Together Again

I really have to admit I miss doing this blog. When I go back and look at the stats we had something good going here. During the time I have taken off from this blog I have been working on a pet project. In that project I have discovered I like blogging but most of all I like helping people. To me there is no better way than to help someone out of distress. I have had my share of financial problems but I have always worked my way out of them by careful spending but not necessarily sacrificing in every way by paying my debts back. On the side bar you will find solutions and opportunities to help you make your own way to financial freedom. These tools and services are places you can go to discover in your own way financial freedom. I know I like to research my way through crisis more than take other peoples advice. But when I need help I would like to know I can find it. I hope with this blog you can find the same.

Let’s Start Over By Defining Financial Freedom!
Financial Freedom does not always mean you are wealthy. Financial freedom means that you are able to pay all your expenses every day of every month of every year without being in debt and in financial worry.

Does that sound like where you want to be?

Financial Freedom should mean to you your own financial comfort and what it takes to be comfortable to you and only you and your family. How wealthy or not wealthy you are should not matter to anyone else. Keeping up with the “Jones” does not mean you are wealthy if you are severely in dept. Material possessions does not mean financial freedom. What you have in “Assets” is financial freedom!

We will be discussing the difference between the two in future posts.
We all can be there someday with some smart financial decisions, some diligent spending and saving.

Does this sound difficult?
It really isn’t so now that I / we commit to focus we can change some of the habits we have had slowly to find a path to financial freedom together. Yes I have had a head start. I have been doing the research and all you have to do is follow some of the options that will be coming up as topics in this blog.

Bookmark This Page and Come Back For More Finding Financial Freedom!

We Have Added Some New Informative Video Below All These Entries!!!

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