Getting set with a budget is more a matter of discipline than knowhow. There are many Self Help books you can use or courses you can take to help you learn to set up a budget some you may find online. With one search I found spreadsheets 1 2 3 free budgeting worksheets with My Shopping Genie.
For Free Budgeting Spread Sheet From Spread Sheets 1 2 3 Click Here!
The deciding factor on this is do you want to self-educate yourself, do you want to seek some education or have someone professional get you started. With this entry we are going to offer some suggestions on what to follow. What you need to remember it is up to you and to what standard and time frame you set your goals. Remember with last week’s entry we just wanted you to get a general Idea of what you would like to accomplish financially. We were not trying to suggest you be too harsh on yourself and be realistic on the goals you set for yourself. Try to take the blame away from yourself. It may not be your fault. Look at your total picture before becoming too hard on yourself. You want concentrate on what you are going to do to change your financial future. In the coming months your outlook can change to the positive when you actually see your future improving as the debt goes away.

If it is as simple as just organizing your finances you can start with this e-book. Click Here!
If your finances seem more complex and you want to learn to get and stay out of debt these Ideas may help.

I am in the process of personally using the debt to wealth system. John Cummuta has some great ideas using leverage in teaching this system. With this system you learn to pay off debt by making each account at a time eliminating one account at a time and then using the funds from the paid off account to pay off the next. This is a great concept however, when you do your debt analysis you still have to be able to live after you set up your payoff budget. That means you still have to have the money to leverage and be able to pay your living expenses without taking on more debt.
What John does do is give you a strong education in setting up and maintaining a strong financial ethic that will help future financial decisions and difficulties. All this is done through video seminars, work books and work sheets. If you are going to build a strong financial foundation this course is one of the best out there. I am sure you have heard the ads over the television and radio.
The Initial package is all most people need to help them determine there daily finances. When you fill out the auto responder you will be offered an advanced course which you pay extra for. The advanced course is a course and an MLM program. I am an advocate of MLMs however; I do not know much about this program and find that getting into a MLM is a personal decision. It would be in my opinion if you are in financial distress this will be a hard program to start knowing you are in financial distress and will require some real salesmanship. If you feel you can achieve with this MLM try it. If it is going to sit in a closet you own an overpriced financial management program so do not get involved and opt out of the e-mails and the calls after you are secure with the original downloads. There is a money back guarantee on the original downloads.
Just to remind you that the initial seminars and workbooks you can use over and over again will help you keep focused in your debt goals. Remember being debt or financial free is the first step toward true wealth. As you get there will be opportunities out there with easier and more inexpensive MLMs or other programs to start. You will find out by continuing to read this blog in future entries.

Debt Goal is an online service I have given special attention to. To use Debt Goal runs along the same lines as the Debt to Wealth system but you set up an account online to pay your debt back. Debt Goal is easy to use and easy to set up. You just have to have a true goal in mind when you set your account up.
Debt Goal unlike the Debt to Wealth System uses the leverage of all your accounts to pay them off. This is a real simple method. Say you have three credit cards and a personal loan to pay off. You start off with the three credit cards with the minimum payment on each. As you pay down the credit cards that same payment stays the same using the extra money you have by not paying a minimum every month to leverage and pay down your debt faster. As with a personal loan you may want to pay it off in three years instead of four years, your payment get figured out on an accelerated scale leveraging the payment against the interest. Debt Goal thoroughly describes its program on its website.
For Free Budgeting Spread Sheet From Spread Sheets 1 2 3 Click Here!
The deciding factor on this is do you want to self-educate yourself, do you want to seek some education or have someone professional get you started. With this entry we are going to offer some suggestions on what to follow. What you need to remember it is up to you and to what standard and time frame you set your goals. Remember with last week’s entry we just wanted you to get a general Idea of what you would like to accomplish financially. We were not trying to suggest you be too harsh on yourself and be realistic on the goals you set for yourself. Try to take the blame away from yourself. It may not be your fault. Look at your total picture before becoming too hard on yourself. You want concentrate on what you are going to do to change your financial future. In the coming months your outlook can change to the positive when you actually see your future improving as the debt goes away.

If it is as simple as just organizing your finances you can start with this e-book. Click Here!
If your finances seem more complex and you want to learn to get and stay out of debt these Ideas may help.

I am in the process of personally using the debt to wealth system. John Cummuta has some great ideas using leverage in teaching this system. With this system you learn to pay off debt by making each account at a time eliminating one account at a time and then using the funds from the paid off account to pay off the next. This is a great concept however, when you do your debt analysis you still have to be able to live after you set up your payoff budget. That means you still have to have the money to leverage and be able to pay your living expenses without taking on more debt.
What John does do is give you a strong education in setting up and maintaining a strong financial ethic that will help future financial decisions and difficulties. All this is done through video seminars, work books and work sheets. If you are going to build a strong financial foundation this course is one of the best out there. I am sure you have heard the ads over the television and radio.
The Initial package is all most people need to help them determine there daily finances. When you fill out the auto responder you will be offered an advanced course which you pay extra for. The advanced course is a course and an MLM program. I am an advocate of MLMs however; I do not know much about this program and find that getting into a MLM is a personal decision. It would be in my opinion if you are in financial distress this will be a hard program to start knowing you are in financial distress and will require some real salesmanship. If you feel you can achieve with this MLM try it. If it is going to sit in a closet you own an overpriced financial management program so do not get involved and opt out of the e-mails and the calls after you are secure with the original downloads. There is a money back guarantee on the original downloads.
Just to remind you that the initial seminars and workbooks you can use over and over again will help you keep focused in your debt goals. Remember being debt or financial free is the first step toward true wealth. As you get there will be opportunities out there with easier and more inexpensive MLMs or other programs to start. You will find out by continuing to read this blog in future entries.

Debt Goal is an online service I have given special attention to. To use Debt Goal runs along the same lines as the Debt to Wealth system but you set up an account online to pay your debt back. Debt Goal is easy to use and easy to set up. You just have to have a true goal in mind when you set your account up.
Debt Goal unlike the Debt to Wealth System uses the leverage of all your accounts to pay them off. This is a real simple method. Say you have three credit cards and a personal loan to pay off. You start off with the three credit cards with the minimum payment on each. As you pay down the credit cards that same payment stays the same using the extra money you have by not paying a minimum every month to leverage and pay down your debt faster. As with a personal loan you may want to pay it off in three years instead of four years, your payment get figured out on an accelerated scale leveraging the payment against the interest. Debt Goal thoroughly describes its program on its website.
To Look Into Debt Goal Click Here!

Here is where you can get free budgeting help. But when I say free budgeting help that means Consumer Credit Counseling will sit you down and help you with a budget and give you a financial analysis and proceed to give you advice. This is where you need to be careful. I am not saying that their advice will be wrong. That is quite the contrary. The advice they give you can be very beneficial. What I am saying is make sure their program is for you.

Here is where you can get free budgeting help. But when I say free budgeting help that means Consumer Credit Counseling will sit you down and help you with a budget and give you a financial analysis and proceed to give you advice. This is where you need to be careful. I am not saying that their advice will be wrong. That is quite the contrary. The advice they give you can be very beneficial. What I am saying is make sure their program is for you.
If you have more than $10,000 in unsecured debt and you are pay the default rate on that debt. This means you were a day late on your credit card payment more than twice I a calendar year you most likely are paying the default rate at around 30% annually. This means you are paying about $270 on that $10,000 each month in interest before even paying on any of the principal. This is why you feel like you are not getting anywhere in paying down the debt.
Here is what is special about Consumer Credit Counseling. With most of your unsecured debt they will work out for you a payment plan that reduces and / or eliminates the interest on that debt which helps you pay down the principal on all that debt for a lower payment to Consumer Credit Counseling. They take care of every creditor you listed with them for you monthly.
Here are some of the drawbacks; you have to prove you can pay the monthly payment. If you are late you can be removed from the program and be responsible for all unpaid interest because you did not follow the terms of the contract Consumer Credit Counseling agreed to on your behalf. Another drawback is you credit score will remain in the low 600’s during the time you are paying back the debts. You have to pay a $35.00 a month service fee to distribute your funds to Consumer Credit Counseling. And lastly you cannot apply for or obtain any unsecured credit from any sources or you will also be removed from the program, and you again will be responsible for any unpaid interest by defaulting on the promises made on your behalf by Consumer Credit Counseling.
If you are carrying debt you can afford you are most likely better off using Debt Goal or The Debt to Wealth System. If you feel you can live in the guidelines of Consumer Credit Counseling that is a good Choice also. I am a graduate of Consumer Credit Counseling of Delaware Valley and I have no regrets. Being a graduate proved to me with some discipline you can achieve financial freedom. However, If Consumer Credit Counseling is suggesting bankruptcy we will be discussing that and other alternatives in the next post.
Here is what is special about Consumer Credit Counseling. With most of your unsecured debt they will work out for you a payment plan that reduces and / or eliminates the interest on that debt which helps you pay down the principal on all that debt for a lower payment to Consumer Credit Counseling. They take care of every creditor you listed with them for you monthly.
Here are some of the drawbacks; you have to prove you can pay the monthly payment. If you are late you can be removed from the program and be responsible for all unpaid interest because you did not follow the terms of the contract Consumer Credit Counseling agreed to on your behalf. Another drawback is you credit score will remain in the low 600’s during the time you are paying back the debts. You have to pay a $35.00 a month service fee to distribute your funds to Consumer Credit Counseling. And lastly you cannot apply for or obtain any unsecured credit from any sources or you will also be removed from the program, and you again will be responsible for any unpaid interest by defaulting on the promises made on your behalf by Consumer Credit Counseling.
If you are carrying debt you can afford you are most likely better off using Debt Goal or The Debt to Wealth System. If you feel you can live in the guidelines of Consumer Credit Counseling that is a good Choice also. I am a graduate of Consumer Credit Counseling of Delaware Valley and I have no regrets. Being a graduate proved to me with some discipline you can achieve financial freedom. However, If Consumer Credit Counseling is suggesting bankruptcy we will be discussing that and other alternatives in the next post.
Consumer Credit Counselling Main Site Click Here!
Consumer Credit Counselling Of Delaware Valley Click Here!
Consumer Credit Counselling Of Delaware Valley Click Here!
Do not forget to get you My Shopping Genie to help you with your search for credit counselors. My Shopping Genie lists all the Best Credit Counseling Locally in your search making your search faster and easier using your favorite search Engine. The best part about My Shopping Genie it is a Free Download with no strings attached.
This Week’s Rant
This Week’s Rant
Filling out but being careful with using Auto Responders Part 3
If you do not like phone calls try not to fill out auto responders that ask for phone numbers. Try only to do the auto responders that only add your e-mail address (remember the Commercial e-mail account Idea from last week’s entry). Just remember if that auto responder has something that you are interested in and you do not want to give up your phone number you could be missing out on an opportunity. What you want to do is only try to fill out auto responders that truly have something to offer you. If this is a product or service you commonly use and you benefit by saving money, it helps you with your employment or helps you with your conquest to become financially free I can only encourage you to use that auto responder. If it is something you are just curious about and it has no real purpose in your life you are best not filling the auto responder out.
The one thing you have to remember. If because of auto responders you are getting bombarded with unwanted calls. Stay on the phone. At the point where the person who is calling takes a breath you be prepared with.
Here is your script:
I am sorry but I am not interested in your (product or service). I do not know how you got my phone number and I do not care. I am taking your number off my caller ID and if you call me again I will call the do not call list and seek to have action taken against you. Please take me off your list. Thank you!!!
That is your Verbal Opt Out and It Works!!!
If you keep on ignoring the calls they will not go away. Memorize that script and be firm with these sales associates. If they do not comply with your wish call the do not call list and report them. It is your right use it!
In coming entries we will give you some ideas on how you can do the something to deal with Debt Collectors. Below we do have a video that can help you in the meantime. We also have an E-book that may help you.
Beat The Debt Collectors Ez Forms Click Here!
View Some Helpful Video Below This Entry!
The one thing you have to remember. If because of auto responders you are getting bombarded with unwanted calls. Stay on the phone. At the point where the person who is calling takes a breath you be prepared with.
Here is your script:
I am sorry but I am not interested in your (product or service). I do not know how you got my phone number and I do not care. I am taking your number off my caller ID and if you call me again I will call the do not call list and seek to have action taken against you. Please take me off your list. Thank you!!!
That is your Verbal Opt Out and It Works!!!
If you keep on ignoring the calls they will not go away. Memorize that script and be firm with these sales associates. If they do not comply with your wish call the do not call list and report them. It is your right use it!
In coming entries we will give you some ideas on how you can do the something to deal with Debt Collectors. Below we do have a video that can help you in the meantime. We also have an E-book that may help you.
Beat The Debt Collectors Ez Forms Click Here!
View Some Helpful Video Below This Entry!
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