Here is the key to your Financial Toolbox

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Making Ends Meet

For many of us carrying debt is a part of life. Some of us manage our debt without over extending our limits. Many of us with the demands of this economy presently many of us will become over extended in our debt. Some of the latest statistics are saying that the average American is spending a dollar and ten cents for every dollar they are earning. In the past year or so there have been many laws passed to help consumers with mounting debt, counteracting many of the laws passed in the early 2000’s that favored the banking industry. The laws of the early 2000’s in today’s standards were not favorable to the consumer or small business. This has been proven by this current economy and has put many individuals in economic distress. We have briefly gone over some services, memberships and bankruptcy to help those who are in need of solutions. We have only just begun with all the work we still have to do in this blog. We have not even touched the surface of budgeting and cutting the fat out of your budget. This blog is about survival tactics without lashing back at individuals and staying close to those we care for.

If you are new to this blog it may be a good idea to go back and review the material in past entries. We know this blog is not for everyone, but for those survivors who want to deal with their debt problems and rebuild their lives bookmark this page. There is more Finding Financial Freedom to come. This week we are going to add credit-monitoring websites to our sidebar as well as one other source for bankruptcy lawyers. Rocket Lawyer a membership website where you can get legal advice and forms. Rocket Lawyer could be an inexpensive way to get the information you need to make a decision on any bankruptcy issue you may have. We are also going to add Just Ask. Just Ask is a website where you can ask any type of question and experts will give you answers. Just Ask is good for those individuals that are undecided and do not want to be influenced by a financial consultant or sales person.

Ideas To Get You Going

I want to take a moment to make an introduction to someone who is one of the innovators of online marketing. Our intent here is to give you some ideas on how you can start getting some cash together in your spare time. Bob Satchel has made money over the Internet for two decades. He is not one of those self proclaimed Internet Gurus. He has down to earth ideas and there are of seven hours of those ideas on video and audio in what Bob has to offer. There is also an e-Book that explains these ideas in more detail. Ideas as simple as placing the items around the house that are collecting dust and you don’t use in online free ads. Bob explains in detail the proper way to display your ads online to make them more attractive to buyers. Or ideas on getting started with eBay showing you the right way to auction and maximize what you make with those auctions. Bob also explains the best time to post your auction items with free websites to help you get the most from what you posted. All this is done in a down to earth manner to help you clear away some clutter and help you with the struggle with finances. It is as easy as turning on your digital camera, borrowing a digital camera, or having a friend as your photographer and downloading your pictures. That is only the beginning of all the ideas without the intimidation and fables of the Gurus. Bob calls his course Internet Riches Made Easy. I call it Working On the Internet Made More Realistic. It is worth the time and the money invested and you will get results as long as you know there is work involved. Bob and Internet Riches Made Easy makes working on the Internet seem easy when you know what you are doing. The Internet Riches Made Easy Audio (only) is Free for a short time. Look on the sidebar for Internet Riches Made Easy.

The next Idea we want you to see is freelance writing. In this website Go Freelance you can actually do writing jobs at home. Go Freelance also has job opportunities filling in forms. Go Freelance is a self-employment opportunity. If you have some talent writing or you are fast and accurate with a keyboard you may want to check into Go Freelance. According to Go Freelance there are thousands of writing and typing jobs in their network. Go Freelance is a membership website and they are currently offering a seven day free trial. I do not know how long the free trial will last so look into Go Freelance soon.

The other work from home offers are more sales than working on the Internet. Both are low cost to start. Both are single tier marketing and not multilevel marketing like most other marketing websites. The first one is a relatively new company it is called Natures First. Nature’s First is a diet and dietary supplement company. This can be done either on the Internet, with leads, with get-togethers, parties or whatever your skills and ideas are in sales. Nature’s First also offers free training over the phone. There are also sample specials which you can purchase with other marketing tools. The Start up cost with Nature’s First is low. You start by buying and trying one or two Nature’s First products. How you start depends on the package you choose. Once you choose a package by buying one or two products you will be given the website. Nature’s First e-mails you every Monday about the Monday night training calls. These training calls can be reviewed at any time if the Monday night call is not convenient for you. We want to remind you this is a young company and you can get started just by trying Nature’s First products at retail cost. Nature’s First also has a good compensation plan with down to earth ideas of income and marketing. Other than purchasing Nature’s First products there is no monthly Hosting Fee for your website..

The last idea we have for this week is My World Plus. My World Plus is free to look into. If you do sign up as a marketer it is fifty dollars with your first months membership fee of twenty dollars. If you just want to look into the savings plan that is twenty dollars and then decide whether you want to be a reprehensive or not. You can also just look at the program for free. The training is free. Again you have from five or six websites to choose from at all times with Banners and support with many different types of marketing schemes. You can start out marketing to your friends and neighbors, start clubs with My World Plus training calls every week to guide you. My World Plus is a discount merchandiser advertising products, restaurants with online discounts coupons with a My Word Plus Membership and discount card. My World Plus is referral membership. With each months membership you get over two hundred dollars in coupons with your membership being recognized by many retailers listed on the My Word Plus website. Remember you can look for free and then enroll. If My World Plus is not for you, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Lastly, just pay your monthly membership fee and you website hosting is included.

Please remember all these suggestions take work to be successful. Our intent is to give you extra income ideas. If you are unemployed and looking or a stay at home parent giving these ideas a little more effort is fine. There are individuals making money using online tools. However, until you get good at operating a online business and making a good positive income, Do Not Give Up Your Day Job! The Rewards will come later.

A Source For Job Seekers

Employment and marketing are not going to be the main theme here at Finding Financial Freedom, but we do realize many of you are struggling because a family member may not be working at this time to help with the family expenses. We also realize many of you have lost their jobs and are seeking employment to get back on your feet. We want you to help you find something suitable for you. We are now connected with Job Member Access Center a job placement website that looks to be for the higher management and professionals. From what we have read there are restaurant management, hospitality management, industrial management, professional and executive, positions open through Job Member Access Center. Unfortunately there are not skilled positions at Job Member Access Center. In the coming weeks we will be looking for a general employment websites for everyone. When we come in contact with one we will do a special posting.

As the weeks go on you will find that Finding Financial Freedom is dedicated to your future and how you can come to one place to help you with ideas from A to Z in solving financial problems. Some ideas will be back to basics and some innovative ideas to help you take the route you decide to successfully make your debt go away.

Next week we are going to briefly talk about credit monitoring. We will be going more in depth with credit monitoring the week of October 20th with credit repair. If you are just guessing your credit score you might be surprised that it may not be as bad as it seems. If there are problems with your credit report are or incorrect entries to your credit report you want to fix, we will provide sources that can help you with that. We are also going to get into online debt free shopping solutions. There are great values when shopping online the key is not to use a credit card. We are going to show you how you can pay cash online and save. You can pay for your purchases through your bank or a local office where you can pay cash. We want to do this early so the many of us with families do not have to sweat the Holiday Season while saving money and staying on budget. We are looking to help you solve your problems one day, one week, and one month at a time. So we all can become Financially Free Together Forever

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